Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day Twenty-Eight - All's well that ends well...

So I got sick. Or more correctly, I am ill. Supposedly being vegan gives you superpowers and makes you immune to illness. This is not true. There are several suspects, but no convictions as of yet. Maybe my body is finally starting to rebel from my vegan diet. Or maybe I just ate some bad mushrooms. I'm not going to blame it on the ve-ee-ee-eeetables (Thank you, Jamie Foxx and Glee, for destroying my mental soundtrack), but they are not above suspicion. I guess we'll see in a few days.

I went into this month with several expectations and for the most part they were met. I didn't miss meat. Like I said before, that wasn't a big deal to begin with. I only missed eggs and milk if they were in baked goods. You don't think about it until you are staring at a beautiful dessert table and nothing to eat. I really missed cheese, especially on pizza. All the cheese flavored snacks actually contain milk and some kind of "cheese" which I guess is a good thing. Honest advertising and all that. I didn't lose any weight, but I do feel healthier. I also feel more confident about my physical appearance. Odd, right? Other events have contributed to this, but there is something nice about being able to say "no" to something tasty, but probably bad for you, when you really want to eat the whole plate. Something empowering about having self control over what you eat. Sadly, that was the only powers I got. No telekinesis, no psychic abilities. Without all that extra curds and whey in my brain, I was looking forward to some superpower fun. What a let down.

As this experiment has approached the end, there is one question people keep asking, "Will you keep being vegan?" Good, question. I really only intended to eat vegan for a month, then go back to my meat eatin' ways. And I really hate sitting around while other people eat and there is nothing vegan for me. It's lame. But I have seriously considered sticking with a veganish diet. I can see myself eating vegan, when possible, and then not worrying about it when I can't. I appreciate the philosophy behind veganism, but it isn't something that is so important to me. I want to eat the cupcakes that someone bakes/buys for me. I want to partake in social eating events (ie. every church activity I've been to). I don't think eating turkey at Thanksgiving is bad. Especially since it's raised by my adorable cousins and probably had a very good life for a bird. But I could stand to eat more veggies. I do need to eat less take-out. Perhaps, moderation has it's place.

In the end, no, I won't be vegan. We'll call it omnivore with vegan tenancies. OVT. Yeah, that sounds trendy.
"Hey man, what do you eat?"
"Awww, don't you know? I'm OVT, dude!"
"No way man! Me too! Let's go eat a salad and then have some ice cream!"
"Sounds good! Maybe get some grilled tofu on top."
Yep, it happens just like that every day. And it could happen to YOU!

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