Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yeah, I'm just doing this for the super powers...

Two months ago I decided February 2011 would be the month I go vegan. Several factors went in to deciding this. I buy my own food, I live in a city where there are tons of vegan options, February holidays don't involve lots of meat eating, and I want super powers. Yes, that is correct. I have it on good cinematic authority that being vegan will give me super powers. Also, this clip is what taught me the difference between vegan and vegetarian. See exhibit A:

Pop Quiz: Which of the following are okay in a vegan diet?
A. Chicken Parmesan
B. Half & Half
C. Cheese
D. Honey

Trick question! NONE! The honey thing really tripped me up. But I'll get into that later.

In one week I'll stop eating meat and dairy, and see what the deal is with this whole vegan thing. However, I do have a few expections.
1. I won't miss meat or eggs. I don't really eat that much anyway.
2. I will miss cheese. There is nothing I love more that bread and cheese. I blame you France! Darn you and your tasty, tasty dairy byproducts.
3. I won't lose weight. I'll be honest, everyone says how good vegetarianism and veganism is for you, but in my prelim research I have discovered there are a lot of unhealthy foods that are vegan. We'll see, but I'm not getting my hopes up for that one.
4. I will be able to read minds. I'm really hoping this one works out!

Luckily, there are oodles of resources for new vegans. A quick Google search brings up some helpful gems. PETA has a bunch as well. It's a lot to sort through and I am really new to all this. Like I said, I totally thought honey was kosher for vegans. Ummm, nope. This is going to be an interesting February.

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