Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day Five - Cravings

So I've gone five days with out meat or dairy. Yay me! And the craving have set in. My apartment smells like bacon, I see cheese everywhere, and the chocolate chip cookies on the counter are taunting me. I got to the stage where I just eat everything I see and hope it will satiate my needs. Nope. All I want is meat with cheese all over it. At least, I'm pretty sure that is what I want. Hopefully I will eat something that works. Until then, don't leave pets or small children in my path!

I went out to dinner with a group, and despite efforts to find something vegan, the restaurant was just too much a meat and potatoes place to have many options. The secret vegan items were soup and french fries. Oh well, the soup was good, and probably a good choice after a day of scavenging.

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